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achieved high quality development against the tide – growth in contracted sales & revenue contracted property sales achieved rmb172.00 billion, 4.2% yoy total profits remained steady; net profit margin amounted to 23.2%,  maintained at the forefront of the industry. interim dividend per share hk45cent, remained stable and committed to generating long term shareholder returns   […]
(21 august 2020) china state construction international holdings limited (“csci” or “the group”, stock code: 03311) announced its 2020 interim results today. for the six months ended 30 june 2020, the revenue was hk$28,002 million, representing an increase of 1.7% as compared with the same period of last year. the group’s profit attributable to owners […]
on august 18, yan jianguo, chairman of cnooc group, accompanied zhou naixiang, chairman of cscec group, zheng xuexuan, general manager and zhang zhaoxiang, director, to meet with ying yong, secretary of hubei provincial party committee, wang xiaodong, deputy secretary and governor of hubei provincial party committee, wang zhonglin, member of standing committee of hubei provincial […]
on august 21, yan jianguo, chairman of china shipping corporation, accompanied zhou naixiang, chairman of china construction corporation, and huang kesi, vice president of china construction corporation, to many places in kangle county, gansu province to investigate the targeted poverty alleviation work. on the way, yan jianguo inspected jinggu mushroom planting and processing farmers' professional […]
go against the trend and strive for high-quality development: property sales and operating income grow against the trend group companies achieved sales contract value of rmb 172 billion, a year-on-year increase of 4.2% the total profit remains stable, the net profit margin is 23.2%, and the industry leader interim dividend of 45 hk cents per […]
(2020 年 8 月 21 日) 中國建築國際集團有限公司(「中國建築國際」,以下簡稱「集團」,股份代號:03311) 今日公佈 2020 年中期業績。集團截至 2020 年 6 月 30 日止實現營業額港幣 280.02 億元,同比增長 1.7%;股東應佔溢利港幣 28.98 億元,董事會建議派發中期股息每股港幣 17 仙。 2020 年,新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情蔓延,給全球經濟帶來巨大衝擊。同時,美國等大型經濟體單邊主義、貿易保護主義情緒加劇,給疫情中的全球經濟復蘇蒙上陰影。在全球經濟衰退的壓力下,以美國為代表的發達國家重拾寬鬆的貨幣政策,希望通過巨量貨幣供應刺激經濟回升,但同時也加大了國際資本市場和大宗商品貿易市場的價格波動,危機回潮風險增大,全球經濟發展更加充滿挑戰。回望過往五年,集團堅持「承建與投資雙核驅動」的發展戰略,緊跟新時代國家發展步伐,不斷創新商業模式和細化管理顆粒度,發揮境內外聯動優勢,在鞏固深化港澳承建業務的基礎上,順勢而為大力開拓內地投資相關業務,有效應對風險與挑戰,推動各項業務實現高質量發展。 今年是「十三五」計劃收官之年,集團從規模增長與槓桿水平相平衡的策略出發,主動調整經營結構,發揮「科技、資本、中建合力 」等核心優勢,在內地優先拓展依法合規、周轉較快、收益可觀的投資項目,在港澳繼續鞏固市場龍頭地位,通過技術、管理、投資帶動業績進一步增長。對內推行精細化管理,為各類項目建立有效管理機制,做到過程可視、結果可控,加強風險分級管理,確保各項工作穩步推進。注重生産經營和資本經營同步發力,積極探索資産收併購機會,搭建資産處置體系和通道,提升經營效益和資産周轉速度為 「十四五」期間集團持續高質量發展打下堅實基礎。面對複雜多變的政治、經濟局勢和行業競爭局面,需要我們以更加篤定的戰略、更加堅強的執行力, 應對各種不確定性。 展望未來,集團將繼續秉承「真誠團結、艱苦奮鬥、積極進取、嚴格苛求、自覺奉獻」的優良傳統,全心奮進每一天,邁向「成為世界一流的投資建設運營服務商」的願景。下半年,集團將繼續以「領潮文化」為引領,堅持客戶為本、品質保障、價值創造的核心價值觀,勠力同心,積極應對新冠疫情等各類挑戰,超越自我,行穩致遠。
contrary to the trend for high-quality development: property sales and operating income grow against the trend group series companies achieved sales contract value of rmb 172 billion, a year-on-year increase of 4.2% total profit remains stable, net profit margin is 23.2% to maintain industry leadership interim dividend of 45 hk cents per share remains stable […]