hong kong temporary hospital project aided by the central government officially delivered | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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hong kong temporary hospital project aided by the central government officially delivered

time: 2021-01-21 12:19:07  source: china overseas holdings limited

on january 20, the handover ceremony of the temporary hospital project of the hong kong asia international expo supported by the central government was held. after the temporary hospital is put into operation, it will greatly enhance hong kong's ability to cope with the epidemic situation, relieve the pressure of hong kong's medical system, and make new contributions to hong kong's anti epidemic work.

on the morning of january 20, the chief executive of the hong kong special administrative region, mrs. lin zheng yue'e, and other government officials attended the ceremony. ma xingrui, governor of guangdong province, wang weizhong, secretary of the shenzhen municipal party committee, and huang liuquan, deputy director of the hong kong and macao affairs office of the state council, attended and delivered speeches online. during the ceremony, the three parties opened the temporary hospital by pressing the button at the same time, marking the formal completion and handover of the temporary hospital. after the handover, the project will be officially named as the hong kong infection control center of north lantau hospital. zheng xuexuan, general manager of cscec, zhang zhaoxiang, director of cscec, yan jianguo, chairman of cscec, and zhang haipeng, director of cscec and ceo of cscec international, attended the activities in guangzhou, shenzhen and hong kong respectively.

after the ceremony, chairman yan jianguo accompanied the chief executive of the hong kong special administrative region, mrs carrie lam, and the guests attending the on-site activities to the project medical center to visit the facilities and equipment such as liquid oxygen station, energy center, nurse station and negative pressure ward, and introduced the overall situation, technical features, technological empowerment and safety and environmental protection measures of the project.

she said that during the construction of the hong kong temporary hospital project, cscec has maintained its consistent high standard and high-level management. in a short period of four months, cscec has built a hospital with high standard and complete functions, which will give hong kong a strong shot in the fight against the epidemic. on behalf of the sar government and the people of hong kong, she expressed her gratitude to every project employee who participated in the construction.

at present, cnooc group has designed and constructed four quarantine center projects in hong kong, including site a and site b of liyumen park resort, phase 1b and 3b of penny's bay quarantine center, and the construction of additional community treatment facilities in asian museum, providing more than 2000 quarantine isolation units, and continuously contributing to the fight against the epidemic in hong kong.
