cnooc holds working meeting in 2021 | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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cnooc holds working meeting in 2021

time: 2021-01-14 10:15:41  source: china overseas holdings limited

on january 13, cnooc held the 2021 working meeting in shenzhen. yan jianguo, chairman and general manager of cnooc group, made an annual business report at the meeting. chen xiaofeng, executive director and chief financial officer, attended the meeting in hong kong and conveyed the spirit of the meeting. ma fujun, deputy general manager, presided over the meeting. lu sheng, vice minister of the economic department of the hong kong joint office of the cpc central committee, attended the meeting to give guidance

yan dong made a work report entitled "promoting the high quality start of the 14th five year plan with determined strength". he pointed out that 2020 is the closing year of the 13th five year plan. in the face of the major impact brought by the epidemic situation and international political and economic conflicts, the whole group is firm in confidence, adheres to the stable growth target set at the beginning of the year, and through joint efforts, the group's main operating indicators for the whole year are red against the trend, achieves the annual budget target and reaches a new record

yan dong said that during the 13th five year plan period, the sales contract amount and total profit of the group have more than doubled, with an average annual compound growth rate of more than 18%, and the business scale of the group has achieved a new cnooc. looking back on the development of the group in the past five years, the main achievements of the group are as follows: first, the scale and profit of the group have doubled, and the strategic objectives of the 13th five year plan have been over fulfilled; second, the strategy leads to the end, and the transformation and upgrading have achieved remarkable results; third, the ability of corporate governance and risk control has been improved, and the information construction has reached a higher level; fourth, the momentum of scientific and technological innovation has been enhanced, and the quality of products and services has been significantly improved; fifthly, strengthen the integration of industry and finance and system construction, and enhance the ability of capital and talent guarantee; the sixth is to build leading culture, practice social responsibility, and continuously improve soft power

yan dong said that in the past year, the whole group worked together to complete the strategic plan for the 14th five year plan of cnooc group, and established the strategic objectives for the new period. in the face of the external environment of opportunities and challenges, the whole group should adhere to the problem orientation, integrate knowledge with practice, advance in the face of difficulties, anchor the strategic goal of the 14th five year plan, and strive to become a world-class investment, construction, operation and service group with strong cohesion, strong execution and innovation

yan stressed that the core task of the group in the next stage is to achieve sustainable and high-quality development, and deploy specific tasks around "one guarantee, five strengthening". a "guarantee" refers to ensuring the achievement of annual budget targets and sustainable growth. the five "strengthening" refers to strengthening the drive of scientific and technological innovation, serving the national strategy, and accelerating the transformation and upgrading; strengthen the precise management, to the management to benefit; strengthen risk management to ensure safe and stable operation; strengthen the reform momentum and enhance the organizational efficiency; strengthen the construction of talents and culture to build a first-class team

ma fujun concluded the meeting by saying that the meeting laid a good foundation for the work of the whole year. on the implementation of the requirements of the meeting, he stressed: first, quickly convey the study and implement the spirit of the meeting; second, focus on the key work and pay close attention to the task implementation; third, we should firmly believe in winning and ensure success

at the meeting, the group presented the letter of responsibility for work safety to all secondary units, and commended 10 units that won the first-class award, 10 collectives that served the society award, 6 collectives that won the science and technology innovation award, and 35 employees who were the most beautiful and progressive. chairman yan jianguo and minister lu sheng presented awards to the winning units, collectives and individuals respectively

due to the epidemic situation, the meeting was held on the spot and by video. a total of 1736 people participated in the meeting in shenzhen and hong kong main venues and 114 video sub venues, including the assistant general manager and above of the group headquarters, the leading group of the listed company, the head of the headquarters department and above, the regional company, the management platform, the leading group of the subsidiary company and the head of the department
