zhang zhaoxiang, director of cscec, works in hong kong for a short time | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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zhang zhaoxiang, director of cscec, works in hong kong for a short time

time: 2020-10-11 11:55:24  source: china overseas holdings limited

from september 29 to october 9, zhang zhaoxiang, director of china construction group, worked in hong kong for a short time, carrying out project investigation, research and meeting activities, and visiting front-line staff of key projects. yan jianguo, chairman of cnooc group, chen xiaofeng, chief financial officer, ma fujun, deputy general manager, zhang haipeng, director of cnooc group and ceo of china construction international group, and relevant persons in charge of listed companies attended the activity.

on the afternoon of september 29, the chief executive of the hong kong special administrative region, mrs carrie lam, inspected the key projects undertaken by the group in hong kong. zhang zhaoxiang accompanied and introduced the progress of the project construction. she affirmed the progress of the project and site management, and expressed her sympathy and thanks to the builders. zhang zhaoxiang said that cscec will strictly abide by the laws and standards of hong kong and the requirements of relevant departments of the hong kong sar government to accelerate the construction of the project and strive for its early completion and delivery.

on the afternoon of september 30, zhang zhaoxiang visited qiu hong, deputy director of the joint office of the cpc central committee in hong kong. qiu hong welcomed zhang zhaoxiang and his party. qiu hong said that as a subsidiary of cscec in hong kong, cnooc group has strong strength, strong overall view and sense of responsibility, and has successively undertaken a series of major projects in hong kong. i hope that china shipping group can shoulder more important tasks in the future and make greater contributions to the prosperity and stability of hong kong. zhang zhaoxiang introduced the business development of china construction group and china shipping group. he said that as the hong kong based office of cscec, cnooc has received strong support, guidance and assistance from the hong kong joint office of the cpc central committee. cscec will implement all the requirements and contribute to the prosperity and stability of hong kong society.

on the morning of october 1, zhang zhaoxiang held a research forum in cnooc group. yan jianguo made a comprehensive work report on the company's development history, main business, business performance, epidemic prevention and control, the "14th five year plan" thinking and work plan in hong kong. he expressed his gratitude for cscec's long-term concern and support, and pointed out that cscec will carry forward the spirit of "leading tide culture", continue to surpass and work hard, and make greater contributions to the realization of cscec's strategic goal of "one creation and five strengths".

zhang zhaoxiang pointed out that cnooc group has developed rapidly since its establishment for more than 40 years. there are many innovative experiences and advanced ideas in the reform and development and overseas business, which are worthy of promotion and reference. we should adhere to market-oriented, strengthen normalized epidemic prevention and control, further strengthen and optimize the business in hong kong and macao, continue to deepen reform, plan the development goals of the 14th five year plan, take practical paths and measures, improve the system and mechanism, and strive to achieve high-quality development.

on the afternoon of october 1, zhang zhaoxiang visited the front-line staff of the project who still stuck to their posts during the festival, and presented the flag to the youth commando team of the project. he expressed his festival greetings and cordial sympathy to all of you, and hoped that you would carry forward the commando spirit of "live up to your mission and live up to your youth" and promote the early completion of the project.

on the morning of october 7, zhang zhaoxiang accompanied qiu hong, deputy director of the hong kong joint office of the cpc central committee, to inspect the key projects undertaken by the group in hong kong. qiu hong inspected the project construction, affirmed the project progress, site management, design concept, technical standards and epidemic prevention, and recognized the responsibility of cnooc group. zhang zhaoxiang expressed thanks for the care and support of the joint office of the cpc central committee and said that he would continue to perform the contract efficiently and spare no effort to promote the project construction.

on the morning of october 9, cscec held an on-site video conference on key projects in hong kong. chairman zhou naixiang, general manager zheng xuexuan and director zhang zhaoxiang of cscec spoke respectively. they highly affirmed the on-site management, project progress, project quality, technological innovation and the spirit of the commando team, and highly appraised the executive power and creativity of cscec, put forward specific requirements for the next step of the project construction. yan jianguo expressed his heartfelt thanks to the group for its guidance and support. cnooc will continue to maintain high morale, overcome difficulties, continue to work hard, and complete the task on time and with high quality.

on the morning of october 9, zhang zhaoxiang attended the project handover ceremony. huang weilun, director of the development bureau of the hong kong sar government, and li zhuo, deputy director of the shenzhen municipal department of construction and works, took over the project. after several weeks of continuous struggle, the project was delivered 200 hours in advance, marking the phased achievements of key project construction.

during the meeting, mr. zhang met with mr. wong wai lun, director of the development bureau of the government of the hong kong special administrative region, to exchange views on speeding up the construction of relevant key projects, and to investigate the listed companies such as china overseas development, cscec international and cnooc property group, as well as the chinese university of hong kong hospital, hong kong palace museum of culture, tseung kwan o desalination plant, tai po tianzuo, southern district, left bank, yidong village exhibition hall and other projects.
