yan jianguo, chairman of cnooc, calls on sun licheng, secretary of jinan municipal party committee | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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yan jianguo, chairman of cnooc, calls on sun licheng, secretary of jinan municipal party committee

time: 2020-08-18 10:34:27  source: china overseas holdings limited

on august 13, yan jianguo, chairman of cnooc group, called on sun licheng, member of the standing committee of the shandong provincial party committee and secretary of the jinan municipal party committee, at the longao building in jinan. the two sides had in-depth exchanges on topics such as further promoting cooperation and helping jinan's urban development.

chairman yan jianguo first expressed his gratitude to the jinan municipal party committee and government for their trust and support to cnooc jinan company. yan dong said that cnooc has always insisted on jinan as one of its strategic markets, and has established a good cooperative relationship with jinan for a long time. in the next step, cnooc group will give full play to its advantages in the whole industrial chain, focus on the construction of "five jinan", actively participate in the urban renewal, commercial operation and innovative business development of jinan, actively dock with the opportunities of major livelihood projects, help jinan implement the three national strategies, and implement the new urban development pattern of "strong in the east, prosperous in the west, south america, north and medium", we are looking forward to working with jinan city to broaden cooperation areas, innovate cooperation modes and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

secretary sun licheng expressed his gratitude to cnooc for its long-term contribution to jinan's urban construction, industrial development and improvement of people's livelihood. he said that jinan is in an opportunity period of three major national strategies: the comprehensive experimental zone for the conversion of new and old kinetic energy, the jinan area of china (shandong) pilot free trade zone, and the ecological protection and high-quality development of the yellow river basin. under the epidemic situation in the first half of this year, jinan's gdp continued to grow year on year, the function and quality of the central city in the yellow river basin continued to improve, and the radiation belt power and self-development ability of the city continued to increase, all of which opened up a broad space for the two sides to deepen cooperation. cnooc group is one of the most important partners of jinan city with strong capital strength, leading technology and management level. it is hoped that cnooc will give full play to its professional advantages, fully participate in the urban construction of jinan and further expand the cooperation space. jinan will, as always, create a good environment for the investment and development of cnooc group, provide high-quality services, and promote win-win development.

jiang xiaoguang, member of the standing committee and secretary general of jinan municipal party committee, yin qingzhong, vice mayor, relevant persons in charge of shizhong district, licheng district, municipal investment promotion bureau and municipal bureau of natural resources and planning, zhang zhichao, chief executive of cnooc development, ouyang guoxin, vice president and general manager of huabei district, and persons in charge of relevant units attended the meeting.

