cnooc held 2016 annual work summary meeting | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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cnooc held 2016 annual work summary meeting

time: 2017-02-15 15:00:07  source: china overseas holdings limited

on february 13, 2017, china overseas group held the 2016 annual work summary meeting in the multi-function hall, 16th floor, zhonghai building, shenzhen. li jianbo and zhou yong, vice chairman of the group, xiao xiao, deputy general manager, zhou qinghu, supervisor, chen xiaofeng, chief financial officer, and yan jianguo, ceo of china overseas development, attended the meeting. more than 200 leaders and employees from various departments, secondary units, hong kong based and shenzhen based subsidiaries of the group attended the meeting. non hong kong based and shenzhen based units organized relevant leaders and employees to attend the meeting through 95 video sub venues

li made a work report on behalf of the group. it conveyed the spirit of the work meeting of china construction corporation, summarized the overall operation of the group in 2016, and deployed the work in 2017. in the report, mr. li pointed out: "in the face of the complicated and changeable external situation, under the correct leadership and support of the head office, the group firmly implemented the strategic deployment and work requirements formulated at the beginning of the year, spared no effort to seize opportunities, resolve risks, and work solidly. through the hard work and innovative work of all employees of the group, it has achieved good development performance, we have successfully completed all the business indicators issued by the head office. at the same time, the main problems and shortcomings are analyzed in the face of the work in 2017, on behalf of the group, li dong proposed ten tasks and requirements: to deeply study and implement the spirit of general secretary xi jinping's series of important speeches, adhere to the principle of "seeking progress while maintaining stability, reform and innovation", actively respond to the complex economic situation, maintain the sustainable, stable and healthy development of the whole year, and actively promote the strengthening of strategic control and the coordination and integration of business resources, further promote the capitalization operation, realize the synergy of natural growth and m & a growth, timely expand the international market, clarify the strategic positioning of the main business, adjust the development ideas, accelerate the transformation and upgrading, and realize the sustainable development of the group; strengthen the construction of leading groups at all levels, enhance the joint force, combat effectiveness and cohesion of leading groups and talent teams, and comprehensively complete all tasks of the group in 2017

general manager zhou summarized the meeting and put forward requirements on the contents of dong li's report and the implementation of the group's ten key tasks this year: while making every effort to do a good job in the operation of the group, we must take into account the dual goals of enterprise development and social responsibility, and not bear the heavy trust of the upper level to cnooc
the conference also held a gold medal award ceremony for cnooc's long-term service. in 2016, a total of 948 colleagues received 5-year long service gold coins, 255 colleagues received 10-year long service gold coins, 223 colleagues received 15 year long service gold coins, 52 colleagues received 20-year long service gold coins, 13 colleagues received 25 year long service gold coins, and 4 colleagues received 30-year long service gold coins

 after the meeting, according to the unified arrangement of china state construction corporation on carrying out the annual assessment and evaluation of the leading groups and leaders of secondary institutions, the 2016 annual assessment and evaluation of the leading groups and members of the leading groups of cnooc group was carried out