中海集團召開2019年度義工大會 | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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time: 2020-05-15 16:00:29  source: china overseas holdings limited

on may 14, cnooc held the 2019 volunteer conference. yan jianguo, chairman and general manager of china shipping group and chairman of the council of the federation of volunteers, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. ma fujun, director and deputy general manager of china shipping group and chairman of the executive committee of the federation of volunteers, presided over the meeting.

at the meeting, the group volunteer federation introduced the structure and work orientation of the federation and its branches, summarized the work focus of last year, the current problems, the work direction and key activity plan of this year, and commended 10 excellent volunteers of china shipping group, including chen jinmei; the leaders of the three branches exchanged the work situation of last year and the activity arrangement of this year; three outstanding volunteer representatives shared their experience on the spot. lin yuan, a special consultant, put forward practical suggestions for the work of the federation.

yan jianguo said that last year, the group's volunteer work has made some achievements, with new breakthroughs in the number and scale of activities, and a group of volunteer representatives who are enthusiastic about public welfare, willing to contribute and mutual help and fraternity have emerged. he stressed that the fragrant rivers of lion rock and the motherland share the same origin, and that we should "put aside the distinction and seek common interests" and work together to overcome the difficulties. cnooc group should adhere to taking root in, building and serving hong kong, focus on the people's livelihood at the grassroots level, actively carry out all kinds of volunteer activities, and "walk and lean together" with everyone, so as to convey positive energy to the society, embody the responsibility and responsibility of chinese enterprises in hong kong, and contribute to the prosperity and stability of hong kong.

ma fujun said that it is necessary to actively practice the leading tide culture of china shipping, give full play to the company's professional advantages, focus on the grassroots and people's livelihood, advocate morality and do good deeds, and gather strength to add luster to the pearl of the orient.
