shi zhiping, assistant general manager and cio of china state construction engineering, went to china shipping group for special investigation | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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shi zhiping, assistant general manager and cio of china state construction engineering, went to china shipping group for special investigation

time: 2017-06-29 12:44:54  source: china overseas holdings limited

on june 27th, shi zhiping, assistant general manager and cio of china state construction engineering co., ltd., went to china shipping group to conduct special research on informatization work.

mr. shi and his entourage listened to reports on the informatization work of china overseas group and its subordinate units in the conference room on the 16th floor of shenzhen zhonghai building, and had in-depth exchanges with participants. president shi affirmed the achievements and progress made by china shipping in its informatization work in recent years. at the same time, he also guided the future development of china shipping's informatization work and placed high hopes. president shi pointed out that china shipping's informatization work is consistent with the stock company in terms of strategic direction, structural methods, and technical routes. china shipping should strengthen the unity of the group and its subordinate units in terms of platform, data, operation and maintenance, and seize opportunities , leading the development of the industry.

during his stay in china overseas, mr. shi and his entourage also visited and investigated the china overseas sky diamond project and the shenzhen museum of contemporary art and urban planning exhibition hall.

the main person in charge of the information management department of the joint-stock company, the chief in charge of the informatization work of china shipping group and its secondary units and the main person in charge of related departments, the main heads of china shipping real estate shenzhen company and china shipping commercial company participated in the survey.
