dr. liang hong, chief economist of cicc, and his entourage were invited to give lectures in the group | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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dr. liang hong, chief economist of cicc, and his entourage were invited to give lectures in the group

time: 2017-09-15 11:01:37  source: china overseas holdings limited
in order to enhance the group’s and listed companies’ systematic understanding of the mainland real estate situation, ppp investment and government debt situation, and to fully understand the changes in the international and domestic macroeconomic situation and its impact on real estate investment and infrastructure on the impact of investment business, at the invitation of the group, dr. liang hong, chief economist of cicc, and his team went to the group’s hong kong headquarters to give a special lecture on september 13.
dr. liang hong delivered a keynote speech on "understanding the chinese economy", and made an in-depth interpretation of the macroeconomic outlook for the second half of the year and some medium and long-term issues of china’s economic development. focusing on hot issues such as overcapacity reduction, high leverage ratio, rmb exchange rate, and real estate market, we have conducted in-depth analysis and interpretation based on current policies. ms. shi qi, head of the capital market department and managing director of cicc, ms. wu huimin, head of the construction industry and executive general manager of the research department, and mr. lu feng, a bond expert of the investment banking department, senior rating expert of s&p and executive general manager they also explained the latest situation of the capital market, changes in the construction and infrastructure industry, and trends in interest rates and exchange rates. the lectures taught by cicc experts were unique and rich in content, and were highly praised by colleagues attending the conference.
zhou yong, vice chairman of china shipping group, yan jianguo, executive director and deputy general manager, chen xiaofeng, chief financial officer, and more than 50 colleagues from headquarters and various secondary units participated in the lecture, 688 related personnel attended the lecture in shenzhen video connection.
director chen presided over the lecture and pointed out that continuous research and study of macroeconomic policies is of great significance in the production and operation of china shipping group, which can enhance judgment and improve response to changes in economic policies level.

