the china overseas group friendship association and the women's friendship association held an outing in the world geopark | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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the china overseas group friendship association and the women’s friendship association held an outing in the world geopark

time: 2017-09-25 16:52:11  source: china overseas holdings limited

on september 23, the china overseas group friendship association and the women’s association organized the "hong kong unesco global geopark volcanic rock area qiaozui island tour" outing event was successfully held.

on the autumn equinox day, more than 40 colleagues and their family members, led by professional guides, took a guided sightseeing boat and departed from sai kung’s new public pier to enter the sai kung volcanic rock park of the world geopark, along the way see diaozhong chau, xiba of the wanyi reservoir, and admire the historical architectural features of the tin hau temple in liang chuen wan; finally, walk ashore on qiaozui island, touch the various igneous rocks and watch the sandbars on the island, which will enhance the understanding of colleagues and family members in hong kong the understanding of the geomorphic environment and human history, and at the same time deepen everyone's awareness of environmental conservation, the activities are of great significance. at the same time, the event cooperated with the china state construction corporation to hold a photo contest to solicit works. the colleagues all recorded the splendid nature of the natural beauty with photos.

the purpose of this activity is to encourage colleagues to achieve a balance between life and work, and get close to nature with their families in their spare time, adhering to the company's corporate philosophy of caring for the development of employees and enriching their leisure cultural life. the global geopark network was established in 2004 with the support of unesco. so far, there are 127 unesco global geoparks in 35 countries, 35 of which are from china. hong kong geopark is one of them. .

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everyone listened attentively to the instructor explaining the formation process of the unique volcanic rock
