le jian xing helps charity, china construction achieves great achievement | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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le jian xing helps charity, china construction achieves great achievement

time: 2017-11-09 12:16:50  source: china overseas holdings limited

on november 5, 2017, more than 40 athletes from china construction international friendship association participated in the "2017 construction industry games and charity fun day" organized by the hong kong construction industry council. they won 1 overall championship and 2 excellent results of gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze. among them, mr. yang zhiheng, assistant general manager of the finance department, won the men's over 35 years old overall championship, and also won the 35 over 100 meters and 200 meters championships, the third long jump over 35 years old, and the second runner-up in the parent-child obstacle course, from the electrical and mechanical company tokyo street, lai chi kok road mr. zhang dehui, a colleague of the public housing project, won the third place in the shot put under the age of 35, and mr. huang zhen, a colleague from the civil engineering company’s airport north project, won the third place in the 400m under the age of 35.

on the day of the event, mr. pan shujie, a company leader and member of the construction industry council, came to cheer for the athletes and acted as a guest of award. at the same time, he participated in the finale event "hundreds of people caring for the construction industry charity run" to help raise funds for the industry care fund.

this year, the construction industry council organized this sports meeting and charity fun day to promote the spirit of "healthy and healthy". the games included a number of track and field events, special game booths, wonderful performances and the "hundreds of people in the construction industry caring charity run", showing the industry's unity, vitality and caring for the society.

figure 1 group photo of china architecture international association

figure 2 vice president pan shujie participated in the "charity run" that day

figure 3 the assistant general manager of the finance department, mr. yang zhiheng, won the men's over 35 overall championship

figure 4 mr. zhang dehui of the mechanical and electrical company won the third place in the shot put under the age of 35

figure 5 mr. huang zhen, a civil engineering company, won the third runner-up in the 400m under 35 years old
