china state construction international group won two luban awards for china construction projects | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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china state construction international group won two luban awards for china construction projects

time: 2017-11-10 10:07:24  source: china overseas holdings limited

on november 6, 2017, the china construction industry association held a commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the luban award and the 2016-2017 excellent project experience exchange conference at the diaoyutai state guest house in beijing, and awarded the 2016-2017 luban award. the meeting was presided over by mr. wu tao, vice president and secretary-general of the china construction industry association. yi jun, vice minister of the ministry of housing and urban-rural development attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

china state construction engineering (hong kong) co., ltd. and china state construction engineering (macau) co., ltd., a subsidiary of china national shipping group, respectively declared the "hong kong pillar point sewage treatment plant project" and "shek pai bay public housing section cn5a construction project". this year's china construction project luban award.

the luban award is the highest quality award for china's construction engineering, representing the highest level of contemporary chinese engineering quality, and a benchmark for china's engineering quality and a national brand. the selection of the luban prize has set off a nationwide "create luban project" activity aimed at strengthening quality control, improving project quality, and creating a corporate brand, which has promoted the management and quality standards of the engineering construction industry.

figure 1 beijing diaoyutai state guesthouse commemorates the 30th anniversary of the luban prize

figure 2 winning trophies for the pillar point sewage treatment plant project in hong kong

figure 3 the award-winning trophy for the construction of the public housing section cn5a in shek pai wan
