return to work and production, we are full of energy! | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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return to work and production, we are full of energy!

time: 2020-02-22 00:48:05  source: china overseas holdings limited

the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic is still at a critical stage. while the whole country is fully fighting the epidemic, it has also taken multiple measures to speed up the orderly resumption of work and production. according to the press conference of the state council’s joint prevention and control mechanism, with the joint efforts of all parties, positive progress has been made in the resumption of work and production in various regions.

in the face of the epidemic, all units under the china shipping group are resilient. according to local requirements, they adhere to the front line of prevention and control, promote the resumption of work in an orderly manner, and demonstrate their corporate responsibility to ensure the stable operation of the economy and society.

china overseas development

china overseas real estate always pays attention to scientific epidemic prevention, and orderly promotes the safe resumption of work. various localities actively promote annual work layout, online marketing, online housing collection, and online training< /strong>wait and start a sprint towards the annual goal.

china overseas land’s shenzhen headquarters prepared for the resumption of work as early as two weeks ago. comprehensive elimination, personnel control, health monitoring, material storage, air sanitation, vehicle management, canteen security, etc. have made detailed arrangements, and prepared "love protection kits" for personnel and departments returning to work. in order to avoid the risks caused by the gathering of people, the meeting adopts online communication. the staff restaurant cancels the centralized meal, adopts the "pre-reporting meal, batching meal, and the meal system", and adjusts the recipe, pays attention to nutritional supplements, and improves employee immunity force. in order to monitor the health of personnel, the company's mobile office platform "zhonghaitong" launched the "health report" application, and employees fill in daily reports. everyone is very motivated and quickly enters the working state.

in the beijing zhonghai huanyu tianxia project of china overseas land development, we actively innovate and create online sales offices to fully satisfy customers' demand for housing purchases.

the zhonghai huanyu world project has also set up a "caring team" to escort the infection doctors of the third hospital of beijing medical university around the clock.


in the kunming zhonghai cloud works project of china overseas land development, we made careful preparations and prevention and control in place, and became one of the first five of the 900 construction projects in kunming to be approved to resume work.


in china overseas land & investment's tianjin branch, we have made detailed guarantees, adjusted the way of eating, and made every effort to ensure that employees can eat healthy and eat at ease when they return to work.


at the beijing china overseas international center, we are ready to take full precautions and protect everyone in the building.

china state construction international

china state construction international has promoted the resumption of work and production in an orderly manner. 33 of its 42 subsidiaries have resumed work, with a resumption rate of 78.6%.

at the same time, the company continues to do a good job of scientific epidemic prevention to ensure the health and safety of employees, including: strengthening the management and control of all personnel in office buildings and projects, including the need to register for temperature measurement , to implement strict information registration, temperature measurement and path tracking for foreign visitors; invite professional medical staff to introduce new coronary pneumonia medical protection knowledge to office staff and project personnel to enhance the awareness of protection of all staff. comprehensively strengthen disinfection and epidemic prevention work, large-scale unified disinfection is carried out before and after get off work every day, high-risk areas (such as elevators, toilets, etc.) are regularly disinfected four times a day, and after each use of company vehicles all need to be disinfected. in addition, every employee returning to work is equipped with protective protective equipment to supervise everyone in their daily protection work. adjust the staff's meal method, cancel the centralized dining system in the canteen, report meals in advance, take meals in batches, and advocate bringing their own meals. adjust the meeting format to reduce the gathering of people. during the epidemic, the company advocates online meetings and communication, and minimizes the number of offline meetings. continue to communicate the purchase channels of epidemic prevention materials to ensure adequate supply of materials to meet the needs of personnel returning to work.

in the office building of the hong kong headquarters, anti-epidemic materials such as masks and disinfectants have been prepared to create a safe space for resuming work.

the company carried out site epidemic prevention knowledge lectures to enhance site personnel's awareness of epidemic prevention.

on the hong kong site, workers put on masks and other protective equipment to start work, and carefully checked the safety of the lifting equipment.

in laizhou port operated by the company, on-site dispatch of bulk cargo is directing portal cranes to unload cargo from the ship.

china overseas property

china shipping property is at the front line of community epidemic prevention. during the epidemic prevention period, 807 projects were all on duty. at present, the total number of employees is 41,244. during the epidemic period, there were 30,482 employees, with an on-job rate of nearly 74%.

since the outbreak of the epidemic, the company has issued a total of 12 relevant work guidelines and implemented a series of epidemic prevention measures: in terms of public services, it has adopted the strategy of "internal proliferation prevention and external prevention import", and assisted, cooperated, and obeyed government departments in accordance with the law. organize the prevention and control work, communicate with the neighborhood and the industry committee in a timely manner, and implement temporary closed management in the community after being authorized or approved. in terms of disinfection service, public areas are regularly ventilated, and frequently frequent crowd activities such as elevators, lobbies, children’s playgrounds, public restrooms, etc. are disinfected regularly. the disinfection frequency is 4 times a day. the focus is on switches, buttons, handles and other contact locations. ensure epidemic prevention materials. up to now, 42 manufacturers have sourced and purchased epidemic prevention materials and coordinated the procurement of 677,768 materials. colleagues, for customers in need, carry out home isolation protection and upgrade service care, post warm reminders to isolation areas and isolation units determined by relevant government departments, and cooperate with government departments to conduct home isolation observation and special services. in addition, plan online customer interaction activities to allow customers to participate in sharing the days of "anti-epidemic" and enrich their home life.

in the lobby on the first floor of haixing plaza in shanghai, china overseas property group made adequate preparations for epidemic prevention and control.

in shanghai zhonghai ziyuhaoting, zhonghai property sprayed disinfectant on the carpet, allowing the owners to enter and exit to disinfect the soles.

china overseas property conducts daily inspection and maintenance of the community power system to provide guarantee for the normal operation of community power.

in the chengdu zhonghai·tongzilin no.1 project, zhonghai property will measure the body temperature of the owners who enter to ensure safe entry and exit.

as the city recovers, resume operations
china shipping group goes all out
prevention, control and resumption of work with two hands
ensure the orderly advancement of production and business activities!

