chairman yan jianguo meets with qiao hengli, director of shenzhen municipal construction and works department, and yao liang, secretary of shenzhen municipal construction and works department | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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chairman yan jianguo meets with qiao hengli, director of shenzhen municipal construction and works department, and yao liang, secretary of shenzhen municipal construction and works department

time: 2020-01-21 19:06:07  source: china overseas holdings limited

on january 20, yan jianguo, chairman and general manager of cnooc group, met with qiao hengli, director of shenzhen municipal construction and works department, and yao liang, secretary of shenzhen municipal construction and works department.

yan jianguo introduced the overall operation of cnooc group, stressing that the purpose of his visit was to implement the requirements put forward by wang weizhong, deputy secretary of guangdong provincial party committee and secretary of shenzhen municipal party committee, and zhou naixiang, chairman of cscec group, during their meeting in shenzhen on integrating hong kong's advanced construction mode into the construction of dawan district.

zhang haipeng, ceo of cscec international, gave a special report on "introduction to epc project mode of cnooc". other leaders of the company attended the meeting supplemented cnooc's experience in project management, planning and design.

qiao hengli pointed out that the construction of shenzhen city should be benchmarked against that of hong kong, and should embody marketization, internationalization and legalization. he hoped that the two sides could make systematic docking, in-depth exchanges, mutual benefit and win-win results, and jointly contribute to the construction of dawan district.

yao liang said that cnooc has maintained a good relationship with the construction and works department for a long time and expressed his gratitude to cnooc for its support. it is hoped that cnooc can actively participate in the construction of shenzhen's market-oriented and international pilot demonstration zone. it is suggested that both sides establish a collaborative team in five aspects, including epc cooperation, whole process consultation, nec mode, on-site management and control, and qualification docking, so as to carry out comprehensive cooperation.

li zhuo, deputy director of shenzhen municipal construction and works department, huang qi, deputy inspector, leaders of relevant departments, liu huiming, assistant president of china overseas development, wang xiaoguang, assistant president of cscec international, and other leaders attended the meeting.
