cnooc group takes part in the activity of "millions of public welfare fund" in hong kong | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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cnooc group takes part in the activity of "millions of public welfare fund" in hong kong

time: 2020-01-06 12:44:02  source: china overseas holdings limited

on january 5, 2020, the "public welfare fund million line of hong kong island and kowloon in 2019 / 2020" was successfully held, and cnooc group participated in and supported this public welfare activity for the 28th consecutive year. yan jianguo, chairman and general manager of cnooc group, chen xiaofeng, managing director and chief financial officer, zhang haipeng, ceo of cscec international, ma fujun, assistant general manager of cnooc group, and more than 400 company colleagues and family members attended the event.

under the leadership of the group leaders, the colleagues of cnooc group, wearing striking uniform, set out from the hong kong stadium, passed through wong nai chung gap road, buli path and aberdeen pond road to the tourist center of aberdeen country park, fully demonstrating the spirit of cnooc group's active corporate social responsibility.

since its establishment in 1968, the hong kong community chest has contributed to over 2.5 million people in need. the charity walk is one of the largest charity walk fund-raising activities in hong kong. this year, the charity walk will allocate hk $39.25 million to support 24 social welfare member organizations providing "family and child welfare services" to help family members build close relationships of mutual love and mutual encouragement, prevent and deal with personal or family problems, and address the needs that families cannot solve, provide ancillary services.
