chairman yan jianguo attended the meeting with wang weizhong, deputy secretary of guangdong provincial party committee and secretary of shenzhen municipal party committee | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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chairman yan jianguo attended the meeting with wang weizhong, deputy secretary of guangdong provincial party committee and secretary of shenzhen municipal party committee

time: 2020-01-04 14:16:12  source: china overseas holdings limited

on january 3, zhou naixiang, chairman of china construction group, led the team to meet with wang weizhong, deputy secretary of guangdong provincial party committee and secretary of shenzhen municipal party committee, in shenzhen. the two sides had in-depth exchanges on further strengthening strategic cooperation and serving the construction of guangdong, hong kong, macao, dawan district and shenzhen pilot zone. yan jianguo, chairman and general manager of cnooc, attended the meeting.

at the meeting, zhou naixiang held cordial talks with wang weizhong. yan jianguo gave a supplementary introduction to cnooc group, focusing on the investment and development of the group in shenzhen. he said that cnooc currently has five listed companies in hong kong. in the future, it will actively seize the major historical opportunity of shenzhen's "dual zone drive", further set up headquarters in shenzhen, increase investment and integrate into shenzhen's economic and social development. at the same time, the two sides exchanged and discussed how to better learn from the introduction of hong kong construction standards and help the construction of shenzhen pilot zone.

wang weizhong said that shenzhen has been strengthening learning from hong kong, and welcomes and supports cnooc group to give full play to its rich experience and resource advantages in hong kong, further increase its investment and expansion in shenzhen, play a greater role and achieve greater development.
