cnooc signed strategic cooperation agreements with putuo district and qingpu district of shanghai | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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cnooc signed strategic cooperation agreements with putuo district and qingpu district of shanghai

time: 2019-11-22 14:43:27  source: china overseas holdings limited

on november 21, in the activity of signing the strategic cooperation framework agreement between cscec and shanghai municipal people's government in shanghai, witnessed by shanghai mayor ying yong and cscec chairman zhou naixiang, cscec signed the strategic cooperation framework agreement with putuo district and qingpu district of shanghai. yan jianguo, vice chairman and general manager of cnooc group, and zhang haipeng, ceo of cscec international, attended the event.

since 1992, cnooc group has entered the shanghai market. up to now, it has developed and constructed 29 projects in shanghai, including haihua garden, the first export-oriented old city reconstruction project in china, covering residential, office, commercial and other property types, covering 12 districts in shanghai. it has developed more than 20000 residential units, with a total development area of more than 6 million square meters and a total investment of more than 100 billion hong kong dollars.

cnooc will give full play to its comprehensive strength and competitive advantages in urban infrastructure construction, real estate management, commercial operation, park management, logistics network, etc., increase the strategic layout of relevant business sectors in putuo district, and actively participate in the economic development and urban renewal construction of changfeng district in putuo district.

cnooc group will actively participate in the transformation and upgrading of the existing industrial park in qingpu district and the investment and construction of the new gaogao jingjian science and technology park. relying on hailong construction technology co., ltd., a leading manufacturing enterprise of prefabricated building components in china, cnooc group will set up a national demonstration base for residential industrialization production and r & d in qingpu district.

looking forward to the future, cnooc will be more active in carrying out in-depth cooperation with shanghai to jointly promote the construction of shanghai's "five centers" and the yangtze river delta ecological and green integration development demonstration zone, so as to achieve win-win cooperation and development.
