china state construction international announces operation status in may 2018 | 中國海外集團-必一运动官网

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china state construction international announces operation status in may 2018

time: 2018-06-08 17:24:39  source: china overseas holdings limited

(june 8, 2018) from january to may 2018, china state construction international corporation ("china state construction international", hereinafter referred to as the "group", stock code: 03311) accumulated the value of newly signed contracts was approximately hk$52.57 billion, a year-on-year increase of 21.0%, which is equivalent to 45.7% of the completion of the 2018 full-year target (full-year new contract value target of no less than hk$115 billion). as of the end of may 2018, the total contract value of the group in hand was approximately hk$334.29 billion, of which the outstanding contract value was approximately hk$218.27 billion.

the major new contracts in may 2018 include:
hong kong west rail longping station south superstructure development project (the group's attributable contract value is approximately hk$1.49 billion. the project includes 4 residential buildings and parking lots, etc., with a total construction area of ​​approximately 62,515 square meters and a construction period of approximately 28 months. );

shiyan city industrial park and infrastructure ppp project in hubei province (the contract value attributable to the group is approximately hk$1.65 billion. the project includes 31 industrial plants, 3 integrated public service buildings, municipal roads and garden landscape, etc., the construction period is about 24 months.);

the community facilities and talent apartment project in chengdu, sichuan province (the contract value attributable to the group is approximately hk$2.1 billion. the project includes police stations, fire stations, middle schools, kindergartens and municipal roads, etc., with a total construction area about 90,000 square meters; and the total construction area of ​​apartments is about 350,000 square meters, etc. the construction period is about 24 months.);

the core area project of the life medicine technology service platform in xuzhou city, jiangsu province (the contract value attributable to the group is approximately hk$1.71 billion. the project includes laboratories, office buildings and supporting facilities, etc., with a total construction area of ​​approximately 29 10,000 square meters, the construction period is about 24 months.).

# the monthly update information is compiled based on the group's internal management records, and the relevant records have not been reviewed or reviewed by an external auditor, so the data is for reference only.

